
Showing posts from March, 2010

Manage Your Asthma Attack Treatment.

It is important that you control your asthma, rather than allowing it to control you. Of course, it can be irksome to take madication and to think daily about activities and situations that could trigger an attack, but you must always be aware that uncontrolled asthma is dangerous. It would be wonderful if everything to which you were allergic disappeared overnight, but even if you scrubbed your home from top to bottom and banned animals, you would still be surrounded by allergens. Once you have been diagnosed as having asthma, it is up to you to take responsibility for it. The best way to do this is to be alert to your symptoms and to check your peak expiratory flow (PEF) with a meter. Your doctor may help work out a self management plan for controlling your asthma and perform asthma attack treatment. If you are managing your asthma well, you should live a normal, healthy life. You should sleep well at night, exercise normally and need to use your medication only occasionally. If you...

Having asthma during pregnancy ...

...can be a life threatening event. Asthma happens in 8 percent of all pregnancies can be life threatening to the baby. About one third will feel improvement in their condition, one third will feel worse and another one third will experience no change at all. The fetus depends on the mother for oxygen for the circulation of oxygen in the body. If the mother often has frequent asthma symptoms, the fetus does not get enough oxygen and puts the fetus in grave danger. Pregnant woman suffering from asthma is susceptible to complicated pregnancies. These include premature birth and low birth weight of the baby. Pregnant woman suffering from chronic asthma may suffer from vaginal hemorrhage. Taking control of asthma will help to reduce the risk for complicated pregnancies. Diagnosing asthma in woman can be difficult. Shortness of breath, one of the common symptoms of asthma is common during pregnancy. The cause of asthma appears to come from the rise progesterone levels in pregnancy. Peak flo...

Asthma Home Remedies and Useful Tips.

1. Asthma patients should avoid cold weather and relieve themselves from constipation. Constipation leads to distended abdomen and exert pressure on the lungs, aggravating the condition. 2. The patient should try to drink plenty of lukewarm water. This will dilate the constriction of the respiratory channels, enabling more airflow. 3. Avoid cold drinks, sour fruits and refrigerated foods. Sour fruit juice and cold drinks cause inflammation and constrictions of the bronchial tubes. 4. Avoid stress and strain. These may disturb the digestive system and aggravate asthmatic attacks. The patient may take help of pranayam to overcome stress and strain. It should be practiced for at least half an hour daily for better results. 5. The patient should avoid eating banana. This fruit produces phlegm and obstructs the already constricted bronchial tubes of the respiratory tract. 6. Immerse the patient's feet in warm water during attacks. This will relieve the symptoms and discomfort. 7. Asthma...

Diagnosis of asthma.

First, you want to find a good doctor that understands Asthma and you feel you can trust. You want to discuss all of your symptoms with your doctor and tell them when they occur.Sometimes Asthma attacks can be triggered by such simple things as a blast of cold air, pollutants in the air, chemicals in the air,or by simply running out of breath due to some over exertion. If any of the above things cause you to have symptoms it is best to avoid them. Secondly, you want to maintain a good diet and stay healthy. Simple colds and flu can trigger severe Asthma attacks. Eating properly can help to keep your lungs healthy. You want to make sure your body gets the right amount of vitamins and minerals. If your diet is lacking in vitamins and minerals, I suggest you take supplements to ensure your body has the correct balance of the essential vitamins and minerals. Maintaining a healthy weight is also very important, because many physicians feel obesity can lead to Asthma. Third, get yourself on ...

Childhood asthma ...

...has become more widespread in recent decades. As the most common chronic illness in children, childhood asthma causes more missed school and places more limits on activity than does any other disease in the United States. Childhood asthma and adult asthma have the same underlying cause - inflammation of the airways. This inflammation makes the airways overly sensitive, leading to signs and symptoms that range from minor coughing or wheezing to serious flare-ups that interfere with breathing. This can result in a crisis visit to the Emergency Room in your local town. And it can happen multiple times. Fortunately, childhood asthma is treatable. Although childhood asthma cannot be cured, there is different opinions on this you and your child can keep symptoms under control with a written plan, monitoring, regular doctor- chiropractic visits and making treatment changes as needed.

Information on asthma.

The people with asthma in all over the world reach 300 millions worldwide. When this illness attacks, there is a constriction of the smooth muscle cells of the bronchi. It makes the airways swollen and inflamed. As a result, it leads to breathing difficulty. However, asthma should receive more concern from the sufferer since it can lead to death. Therefore, a cure or treatment for this disorder is a necessary. Beta-2-agonists are one of the medicines which can be inhaled by the sufferer right when the symptoms attack. Instead of beta-2 agonists, monoclonal antibodies like omalizunab and mepolizunab are proven to be effective for preventing asthma. Prevention will be better. This lungs chronic inflammation symptom can be prevented by keeping away from the threatening factors including the allergens and quick changes of the temperature. Since the organ which is affected by asthma is the bronchi, it is also known as the airways chronic disorder which is signaled by an underlying inflamma...

There are many other home remedies for asthma.

The respiratory tract can also be blocked by the mucus or it can become contracted due to any possible reason. There are many other problems that an asthma patient can have and sometimes these problems are even fatal. Asthma is not always a chronic disease; usually it is triggered by some factors. And as long as the patient avoids these factors he/she can remain safe from an asthma attack. Sometimes the asthma is seasonal means there is no avoiding it, not unless you move to another region. But there are some home remedies that you can use in order to cope with asthma at home. Following are these home remedies for asthma. If you don't trust anything else other than herbs then here are a few useful herbs for your asthma home remedy. You can use Aniseed or Arjuna herbs for the treatment of asthma at home. The herb Aniseed is good because of its expectorant properties for treating asthma. However, the Arjuna herb benefits the patient of asthma with the help of its bark. This herb can ...

Anxiety Attack .

An anxiety attack sometimes referred to, as a panic attack can be a very terrifying experience. The symptoms of anxiety attacks can be very confusing as usually the person has no idea as to why their body is reacting in the manner it is. If you have experienced some of these unusual symptoms (below) while experiencing anxiety let me help you to understand it better and try and put your mind at ease. Firstly anxiety attacks are very treatable. It is very important that you speak with your doctor if you are experiencing these anxiety attack symptoms in order to receive an accurate diagnosis. Getting your anxiety symptoms investigated after you first experience them will help reassure you that nothing more serious might be wrong. The most common symptoms of anxiety attacks are: Palpitations, a pounding heart, or an accelerated heart rate Sweating Trembling or shaking Shortness of breath A choking sensation Chest pain or discomfort Nausea or stomach cramps A feeling of being dizzy, unstead...

5 Reasons Easy Calm.

The market is flooded with countless panic attack treatments and programs that you can join. It can be difficult to decipher one from the next when each is claiming to be the best. Although these are the exact claims Easy Calm seems to make, this company has reason to back up the claims. Here are five reasons Easy Calm claims to be the top anxiety and panic attack cure on the market. 1. Personal attention Instead of handing over an e-book or some article to read on your own, Easy Calm will take you step-by-step through what you need to do to get rid of these horrid experiences and symptoms. You are not expected to deal with the problem on your own. With the extensive video displayed, the creator will walk through the entire process with you so you can get your life back on the right track. 2. Advice from the expert If you are going to take advice on how to get rid of anxiety and panic attacks, you might as well do so from someone who has experience. The creator claims to have coa...

High anxiety levels ...

.. can lead to full blown anxiety attacks, also known as panic attacks. We all know that the attacks should be treated by reducing anxiety, but why do we have to do this? Reducing anxiety levels ultimately results in lesser attacks in the future. This is the best reason for reducing it. How then can we reduce anxiety? The first step is by formulating a plan for reducing anxiety levels. Identify the highest contributors to anxiety. This may take some time. Sometimes, we may even be surprised that what we consider as simple stuff may be a major contributor to our stress levels. After finishing the list, suggest ways and solutions for every problem you have listed. Your list may include excessive arguments and inefficient work habits. A solution for excessive arguments would be simply to avoid them. Inefficient work habits may be solved by striving for excellence in your job. This usually takes the pressure and anxiety off it. Reduce your watching of depressing or negative world events. W...

Anxiety panic.

There are around 20 million people that suffer from anxiety attacks every year in the United States alone. They send thousands of people to The emergency room everyday. Ignoring this mental disorder can leave a person in a seriously debilitating state. Finding a cure for anxiety attacks can be expensive and confusing depending on what steps you are thinking of trying. A person who has suffered an anxiety attack may feel singled out and confused as what to do. No one likes to feel like there are in prison with no way out. Well here's the good news There are many options that you can explore to help cure your anxiety attacks. Medication and therapy is always a popular thought, and usually the first thing a person thinks of. The fact about this thought is that using medication to solve your problem doesn't usually end well. Yes it may work well at first, but trying to stop the pills can cause new disorders or causes the old disorders to become worse then what they originally were....

Panic attacks.

Panic Attacks are sudden periods of extreme nervousness that are associated with a number of symptoms. Their onset is mostly very abrupt and there are no certain obvious triggers that are associated with them. Panic attacks are extremely disturbing to the person who suffers them but there is no physical harm associated with these episodes. They can occur at random or after a person is exposed to various events that may serve as triggers. People usually feel like they may be dying, suffocating or having a heart attack. They begin breathing very rapidly, and after a short time, the symptoms go away returning them to their normal state. What people are susceptible to have panic attacks? A small fraction of all people are affected at one time or another, and of those who do, an even smaller number get them quite often. People who have them repeatedly need treatment from a medical health professional because in some cases they are the cumulative effect of the onset of depression. They can h...

These 4 subsequent tips will definitely help you control your panic attack:

Diet There is an old saying that states "We are what we eat". Eating healthy has more done a dozen advantages more so it is required when you are suffering from panic attack. This attack has been proven to be connected to low level blood sugar. Abrupt and frequent change in blood sugar levels is said to trigger attacks. It is advised to use a common sense methodology when it comes to eating. That is to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits and make certain that you are getting sufficient protein. One thing more, that is to drink 8 glasses of water every day. Moreover there are certain foods that must be shunned off to effectively handle and control the attacks. These are caffeine, refined and processed foods, sodas of various kinds, alcohol and sugar. Exercise A regular exercise will definitely help eliminate another attack. It would just take 20 minutes a day to radically reduce your stress levels. Allocate a little of your time to have some sort of physical activity. Dis...

There are different and many symptoms of anxiety.

Is not rare to experience anxiety, fear or worries from time to time. With everyday events that occur to you, is completely normal to feel anxious. If suddenly you feel that anxiety and fear overwhelm you, then you are experience anxiety symptoms. Anxiety is more powerful feeling than stress. Anxiety attacks may provoke you panic to things like madness, death, lose control, and can make you lose your mind if is not controlled. You may also notice that you have symptoms of anxiety such as excess of sweating, heart hammering, dizziness, shortness of breath, mourn, distorted perceptions, or a body and time disassociation. These symptoms can be terrifying and you can feel that you have no power over your mind or body. Anxiety attacks can go through a long time (many minutes sometimes) and can difficult you get a normal life. Perhaps you suddenly feel panic to be out in public places because you may have an anxiety attack. Anxiety attacks should not take lightly is a serious issue. If you c...

Anxiety is a reflection of our body's and mind's reactions .... threats and uncertainties. It does not mean that having anxiety is wrong. In fact, channeling anxiety can be used creatively if only we can understand how it works. We all know that anxiety can be a problem. We have different habits in order to break off from an anxiety spell. Yet we often fail from achieving it. For example, we may try to relax but this sounds impossible. It just leads to greater tension. Furthermore, if we try to repress anxiety, this just leads to more panic attacks. Then it all turns out into a vicious cycle. Fear and worry causes anxiety. Anxiety in turn causes more fear and worry. Anxiety may be a normal response to a perceived threat, but sometimes it becomes the threat itself, which is just not good for the body. Our body's physiology affects the formation of our habits. Because we are a synthesis of our body and our mind, what happens to our body affects our mind and conversely what happens to our mind affects our body. Bodily habits can also affect...

Anxiety panic disorder.

If you need panic attack help then you are probably familiar with situations that cause you dizziness, blurred vision, tingling all over your body or feelings of breathlessness. These situations can cause you to think you've contracted some kind serious mental condition or illness. Although after the fact it will seem very irrational to feel this way, in the heat of the moment it is a very real and terrifying set of sensations. Fortunately, panic attacks are treatable and, often times, without the use of man made drugs and chemicals. Disclaimer Panic attack help is possible using this technique but make sure you have consulted a medical professional first. Although these types of symptoms can be attributed to anxiety, they can also be caused by a more serious medical condition. However, if your doctor can't find anything physically wrong with you, it may be time to try this natural remedy. Understanding Anxiety Before you can find panic attack help you have to understand what c...

Overcoming Panic Attacks Easy With These 3 Simple Steps to Success.

An equally useful approach to overcoming anxiety attacks is making necessary changes in diet. Cut out sugar and caffeine. Sugar helps the brain make the mood chemical serotonin. Ordinarily, serotonin is associated with a happy mood, but in people who suffer these attacks, it keeps the parts of the brain involved in startle reflexes in a perpetually activated stated. Caffeine has a similar effect. Almost anyone becomes vulnerable to attacks after consuming 800 mg (five cups of coffee, or two large soft drinks, or eight cups of tea, or 3 large glasses of iced tea) in one day. People who have generalized anxiety disorder may feel worse after drinking just one cup of regular coffee a day. Choose decaf, and panic attacks will be less frequent. Finally, learn three simple rescues for panic attacks. Stopping a panic attack can be as simple as standing up or even sitting up straight. When your torso is slouched over in a protective stance, your lungs do not fill with air. Less oxygen reaches t...

Putting An End to Panic Attacks!

There are a number of options available. Some of them have produced wonderful results for the bulk of people who have tried them. Others have solved their anxiety attack problem for a smaller percentage of those who used them. As much as we would like a "one size fits all" solution for panic and anxiety, the phenomena is individual in nature and different people will respond to different options. Put A Pin In It... For instance, there is a large contingent of people who swear by acupuncture techniques. They have worked with experts who are thoroughly trained in the ancient Chinese art and have emerged from those treatments free of anxiety attacks. Some people have found that the Raindrop Technique of massage with essential oils and Vitaflex reflexology treatments can help them with panic attacks. You will find people who have learned to stop attacks in minutes thanks to cognitive therapy. While they do not work for everyone, prescription medications are effective for some peo...

How to stop an anxiety attack:

Rate your fear on a scale of zero to ten and watch it go up and down. Don't identify with the feeling of fear. Notice that when you stop adding your thoughts to the panic attack, it begins to fade. Do breathing exercises during the day. They can prevent the excessive hyperventilation or rapid breathing that often accompanies an attack. Keep a diary of your progress and successes, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem to you. A written record can show proof of your progress. Awareness of what you have achieved will strengthen your self-confidence and create an incentive for you to continue. Express yourself! Talk to a friend or write your thoughts and feelings. Be careful, however, of who you talk to. It is important that the person will listen, but not judge you. It's a fact that communication reduces stress. Find ways to have fun! Anxiety absorbs too much energy, making people forget how to have fun. Find a phrase that will help you relax and repeat it, taking dee...

Social anxiety treatment.

Panic attacks can deprive a person of his freedom and make him virtually a prisoner of his fears. It is one of the most striking examples of how much power the brain holds over the rest of the body as manifested in every part of the body, from the heart to the stomach and limbs. The symptoms include: rapid heartbeat, sweating, feeling of suffocation, numbness, trembling, nausea, chest pain, dizziness or fainting, fear of going crazy and fear of death. The symptoms of the attacks often mimic other serious life threatening diseases. It's very important to differentiate panic attacks from other diseases such as cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, epilepsy, stroke, and hyperthyroidism. A clinical examination will allow the correct diagnosis. According to the statistics about 2% of adults suffer from this condition and women are twice as likely to have this disorder compared to men. The problem typically starts in adolescence. More than 50% of patients had their first anxiety at...

The panic attacks can occur for many reasons...

They are usually a symptom that occurs after a difficult period of our life. The accumulation of stress and pressure play a role. Often guilt, perfectionism and the need to please others are behind these attacks. This disorder affects dramatically the functions of the main glands, heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys, bladder, eyes, intestines, pancreas, and large muscle groups. Hormones and other stimulants, such as adrenaline and epinephrine, fill the cells through the blood circulation. The impulse of man is to run, to get out, to escape or hide. Symptoms of a panic attack may include: Rapid heartbeat Shortness of breath, or feeling of suffocation Almost paralyzing horror Dizziness, vertigo, or nausea Severe sweating Trembling, shaking, seizures Chest pain Hot flashes or sudden chills Numbness or tingling in the body Fear that the sufferer will "go crazy" or "die" The characteristics of a panic attack are very specific: It occurs suddenly without any warning and withou...


A Panic attack is the sudden appearance of an episode of intense fear or anxiety, which includes four or more symptoms: rapid heartbeat (pounding heart), trembling, sweating, a feeling of suffocation, chest pain, dizziness and nausea. It is estimated that up to 4% of the population suffers from severe and frequent panic attacks. In women the disease is 2 to 3 times more frequent than in men. The panic disorder is a condition in which the recurrent anxiety attacks are followed by the widespread concern that there will be another crisis, so the person leaves in constant fear. Not all patients who experience an anxiety attack will develop a panic disorder. There are many patients who only had one experience of an attack, which was never repeated. This condition may be accompanied by agoraphobia. Agoraphobia is a condition in which the patient is afraid to go outside the house. The fear comes from thinking that any panic attacks that will occur in such places - away from the safe area of h...

Anxiety symptoms.

There are several methods that people can use to help stop panic attack symptoms. A good understanding of what causes a panic attack is imperative. And even better understanding of your own body and its stress signals can be very helpful. Thorough and honest self analysis is vital so you know your body and mind clearly. During a panic attack there are very specific symptoms one needs to be aware of. Many people experience intense anxiety and fear of impending doom. Other mental symptoms can be a racing mind, usually with negative thoughts, and illogical conclusions too convoluted thought processes that do not match the current situation. Some common physical symptoms include: a racing heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea, chills, choking, sweating, tingling or numbness in your extremities and sometimes chest pain.

Anxiety attacks causes.

The most common symptoms are a racing heart and short quick breathing. Some experience of shortness of breath, sweaty palms, dizziness or tingling in the hands and feet. These are some of the physical symptoms. There are also some mental conditions to watch for, they include: extreme anxiety; feelings of impending doom; uncontrollable thoughts; imagined negative outcomes. Those are some of the symptoms you may have to deal with if you're having a panic attack. Now what can you do about it? The first thing I did, and it did help, was to get up, go outside and start walking. Walk slowly and deliberately. I picked a nearby field which was safe and a little bit quieter than walking on a main road. Now as you walk begin to count your breaths. Deliberately slow your breathing. When doing these two simple exercises at the same time and with conscious effort you will find it can help tremendously. Once you are through a panic attack you will realize that the symptoms leave no lasting physi...

Anxiety is a natural reaction caused by premonition.

Simply defined, anxiety is a natural reaction caused by premonition of any kind of hazard or perilous situation. It is a resultant feeling wrought by the man's physical and mental past as well as his interaction with his social settings. Anxiety can surface following an ordeal that a man goes through, resulting in an intricate overt effect on his memory. As a result of man's inherent ability to fantasize and remember things, anxiety is born in him. Scientifically it has been proven that anxiety is predominant in human beings only and other animals experience a different facet of it - fear. It can be rightly claimed that this feeling of being anxious results from mental strain, certain types of diseases and intake of certain medicines. At times anxiety can ultimately result in a man becoming rejuvenated by far more positive behavioral changes. Common characteristics of an anxious person are his accelerated attentiveness, pulse and dilated pupils. His breathing is shallow and hig...

An anxiety disorder.

An anxiety disorder can wreck havoc with one's life, making normal, day to day activities nearly impossible. However, anxiety disorders are also highly treatable. EasyCalm by John Mercer is a wonderful treatment option that can cure panic and anxiety disorders permanently without any prescription medications. This article takes a closer look at this program. EasyCalm positions itself as a complete solution to getting rid of panic attacks permanently. Unlike other programs in this niche that depend on medicine, complex breathing exercise, or psychotherapy, EasyCalm works on entirely natural, easy to follow techniques that leave a permanent effect on your anxiety condition. EasyCalm stands out among its competitors, as it is a video treatment system. Rather than reading a hefty book, you can quickly watch informative and interesting videos on how to get rid of panic and anxiety attacks. These videos can be downloaded directly on to your computer or iPod, so you can watch them anywher...

Anxiety Attacks Symptoms.

For the victim of an anxiety attack (adult or teenager) the symptoms are truly terrifying. Generally speaking, the symptoms of anxiety (panic) attacks are things like; tightness across chest / throat, nausea, dizziness, trembling / shaking, hyperventilating, shortness of breath, tingling fingers, hot / cold flashes, sweating, palpitations, a feeling of detachment from reality and a sense of some impending doom / a feeling you're going to die, etc. Note that some of these symptoms could also be signs of other things, so you must always consult your healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis. For the purposes of this article, we'll assume that we are dealing with true anxiety attacks. What Causes Anxiety Attacks in Teenagers? First, let's consider a person (teenager or adult) with normal levels of everyday stress and anxiety. When such a person is faced with the usual stressful events of modern life they can generally handle them without much problem because the combinati...