Home Remedies for Asthma.
Asthma symptoms can include coughing, wheezing, tight chest, difficulties in breathing, restless and exhausted etc. An asthma attack can cause sweating, extreme gasping for breath and rapid heartburn. It is important to breathe properly so that the diaphragm rises and falls and fill and empty the lungs well. Asthma and its trigger factors are still not fully understood. Magnesium deficiencies are found in all asthmatics. Home remedies are the most effective remedy to stop asthma attack. Apple Cidar Vinegar: It is a very popular home remedies for asthma that has shown to be extremely beneficial in the majority of people. This home remedy works very fast and relief can be seen within a day. Take one tablespoon of apple cidar vinegar diluted with water before you go to bed. It must have a very strong taste and smell. Apple cidar vinegar has also been effective in treating acne, acid reflux, and allergies and other conditions. Diet and Nutrition: Diet plays and important role in treat...