Information on asthma.

The people with asthma in all over the world reach 300 millions worldwide. When this illness attacks, there is a constriction of the smooth muscle cells of the bronchi. It makes the airways swollen and inflamed. As a result, it leads to breathing difficulty.

However, asthma should receive more concern from the sufferer since it can lead to death. Therefore, a cure or treatment for this disorder is a necessary. Beta-2-agonists are one of the medicines which can be inhaled by the sufferer right when the symptoms attack. Instead of beta-2 agonists, monoclonal antibodies like omalizunab and mepolizunab are proven to be effective for preventing asthma.

Prevention will be better. This lungs chronic inflammation symptom can be prevented by keeping away from the threatening factors including the allergens and quick changes of the temperature. Since the organ which is affected by asthma is the bronchi, it is also known as the airways chronic disorder which is signaled by an underlying inflammation, bronchial hyper responsiveness, and airflow obstruction. The symptoms of this disorder include chest tightness, wheezing, and coughing.

Another option for relieving this bronchi disorder is by always taking the fresh air to breathe. A lot of studies show that the condition of the environment has an influence toward the disorder. Some factors including the air pollution, second hand smoke, and the ozone increase the risk of an asthma attack. Another factor is the genetic. However, the factors from the environment are easier to prevent.

One of the ways to reduce the risk caused by the environment is by having air room cleaner. It can not change the genetics of the sufferers, yet it is able to eliminate all the airborne allergens so that they can breathe clean and healthy air.


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