
Showing posts with the label natural remedies for asthma

Asthma facts.

Asthma is a potentially deadly condition that affects millions of people. If you are uncertain about any symptoms and you think they may be related to asthma, you should not take any chances. See a doctor right away to be certain. You, like so many others, may have asthma and not be aware of it. While some people are born with it, many develop asthma later in life. There are some early warning signs you can watch for, to see if you might be developing asthma. And while it does not affect everyone the same way, there are some symptoms of asthma that are considered to be typical, while others are a bit more unusual. The early warning signs include things like a persistent cough, especially one that tends to occur at night. You may also experience shortness of breath which may come on suddenly, possibly even after only mild exertion. Additionally, any audible wheezing or whistling or coughing after exercise could be a sign. One of the least noticeable of the early warning signs, how...

Having asthma during pregnancy ...

...can be a life threatening event. Asthma happens in 8 percent of all pregnancies can be life threatening to the baby. About one third will feel improvement in their condition, one third will feel worse and another one third will experience no change at all. The fetus depends on the mother for oxygen for the circulation of oxygen in the body. If the mother often has frequent asthma symptoms, the fetus does not get enough oxygen and puts the fetus in grave danger. Pregnant woman suffering from asthma is susceptible to complicated pregnancies. These include premature birth and low birth weight of the baby. Pregnant woman suffering from chronic asthma may suffer from vaginal hemorrhage. Taking control of asthma will help to reduce the risk for complicated pregnancies. Diagnosing asthma in woman can be difficult. Shortness of breath, one of the common symptoms of asthma is common during pregnancy. The cause of asthma appears to come from the rise progesterone levels in pregnancy. Peak flo...