
Home Remedies for Asthma.

Asthma symptoms can include coughing, wheezing, tight chest, difficulties in breathing, restless and exhausted etc. An asthma attack can cause sweating, extreme gasping for breath and rapid heartburn. It is important to breathe properly so that the diaphragm rises and falls and fill and empty the lungs well. Asthma and its trigger factors are still not fully understood. Magnesium deficiencies are found in all asthmatics. Home remedies are the most effective remedy to stop asthma attack. Apple Cidar Vinegar: It is a very popular home remedies for asthma that has shown to be extremely beneficial in the majority of people. This home remedy works very fast and relief can be seen within a day. Take one tablespoon of apple cidar vinegar diluted with water before you go to bed. It must have a very strong taste and smell. Apple cidar vinegar has also been effective in treating acne, acid reflux, and allergies and other conditions. Diet and Nutrition: Diet plays and important role in treat...

Foods Helpful in Asthma.

Some foods can help to control the severity of an attack. One of the best-known foods for doing this is coffee, due to the caffeine. Some Foods can actually dilate air passageways, by thinning the mucus and opening them up for freer breathing. The foods in this category include the spicy, pungent foods like chili, hot mustard, garlic and onions. These hot foods work by stimulating nerves, resulting in the release of watery fluid in the mouth, throat and lungs. Some foods can control inflammation of the airways because of their anti-inflammatory components. Foods that help to do this include onions, fatty fish (fish oil is a proven anti-inflammatory high in omega 3 fatty acids) and vitamin C-packed foods. Eat foods rich in the B vitamins such as green leafy vegetables and pulses and good sources of magnesium such as sunflower seeds and dried figs. Asthmatic patients should take wholemeal bread, maize, jawar and bajra (millets) which are very useful. Among vegetables, spinach, bitt...

Breathing techniques like ...

... Pranayama Buteyko and Papworth have been known to help a lot of asthmatics deal and successfully manage their condition by correcting erroneous methods of breathing. While these three may differ in core principles and base techniques, each of them provides common sense methods along with rational explanations as to why some asthma causes and breathing are in a sense, highly related. Take Buteyko for example. The particular formulation of this technique was based on the premise that asthmatics tend to over-breathe during flare-ups and attacks thereby worsening the condition. It has also further concluded and proven that hyperventilation caused by over-breathing highly diminishes the affectivity of carbon dioxide within the body to ease inflamed respiratory muscles. Papworth although slightly similar in terms of techniques, revolves around its core principle, which is the importance of nasal and diaphragmatic breathing as well as the individual development of breathing patterns ...

Allergies and asthma.

Asthma is a lung disease that makes it difficult or even impossible to breathe. About 22 million Americans have this condition. It affects people's lives and can even cause death. The condition comes in two different forms, with a variety of possible triggers and treatment options are available. It's important to understand what people with these lung problems have to deal with. In order to get the oxygen our bodies need, people without breathing problems breathe air into their open, healthy lungs. The lungs process it and they exhale. With asthmatics, narrowing in the airways of the lungs makes it hard to breathe. This narrowing is caused because the lungs constrict and swell. When this happens, the person is having an asthma attack. When allergies are the cause, a person's immune system overreacts to a substance. Also, in some people, exercise leads to symptoms. In some cases, workers breathe in substances at work that cause their breathing problems. Cough variant ast...

Exact cause of the Asthma .

Family genes, respiratory infections during the childhood, due to some airborne allergens, exercise, sulfites in food drinks, respiratory infections, aspirin or non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs etc. Symptoms and cause of the asthma is different for different people. Inhaler and pills are prescribed for its treatment but in asthma precaution must be taken carefully to avoid the worst situation. Asthma of preliminary stage can be treated by home made medicines. Some home remedies and natural cure are also there to avoid this disease. They are: If some black peppercorns alone or mixed with basil leaves chewed every night before going to bed it will subside the asthmatic problem within a few moments. To reduce the attacks of asthma and its problem take some teaspoonful of ginger juice mixed in a glass of water and take it regularly. Take a bowl with three tablespoons of water in it and boil it with six pieces of cloves. When it is completely exuded add honey almost one full te...

Asthma currently can be divided into 4 types:

Asthma currently can be divided into 4 types according to the National Institute of Health. The 4 types are mild intermittent, mild persistent, moderate persistent and severe persistent. Asthma sufferers that fall into the severe persistent range category have chronic asthma. So let's talk about the peak flow rate. For mild intermittent and mild persistent asthma, their peak flow rate is more than 80 percent of normal. Moderate persistent is between 60 to 80 percent. Chronic asthma has a peak flow rate of below 60 percent. Chronic asthma is a severe form of asthma. The symptoms for this type of asthma also differ from the other three categories. Unlike people who fall into the first three categories, people that suffer from this type of asthma have daily recurrent symptoms of asthma which is characterized by breathlessness, sudden tightness of the chest and wheezing sounds. Sometimes wheezing sounds cannot be heard at all if the bronchial tubes have been almost sealed comp...

Asthma facts.

Asthma is a potentially deadly condition that affects millions of people. If you are uncertain about any symptoms and you think they may be related to asthma, you should not take any chances. See a doctor right away to be certain. You, like so many others, may have asthma and not be aware of it. While some people are born with it, many develop asthma later in life. There are some early warning signs you can watch for, to see if you might be developing asthma. And while it does not affect everyone the same way, there are some symptoms of asthma that are considered to be typical, while others are a bit more unusual. The early warning signs include things like a persistent cough, especially one that tends to occur at night. You may also experience shortness of breath which may come on suddenly, possibly even after only mild exertion. Additionally, any audible wheezing or whistling or coughing after exercise could be a sign. One of the least noticeable of the early warning signs, how...