
Asthma facts.

Asthma is a potentially deadly condition that affects millions of people. If you are uncertain about any symptoms and you think they may be related to asthma, you should not take any chances. See a doctor right away to be certain. You, like so many others, may have asthma and not be aware of it. While some people are born with it, many develop asthma later in life. There are some early warning signs you can watch for, to see if you might be developing asthma. And while it does not affect everyone the same way, there are some symptoms of asthma that are considered to be typical, while others are a bit more unusual. The early warning signs include things like a persistent cough, especially one that tends to occur at night. You may also experience shortness of breath which may come on suddenly, possibly even after only mild exertion. Additionally, any audible wheezing or whistling or coughing after exercise could be a sign. One of the least noticeable of the early warning signs, how...

Asthma prevalence.

There are many people in the world today that are suffering from asthma extrinsic. It does not matter where you come from or what your lifestyle is. Anyone can become a victim of such condition. However there are always certain steps that you can take so that you can reduce the effects of this condition so as to lead a healthy life. One should take care to make sure that this condition is treated in the earliest possible time. If not checked in time then this can develop into a more serious condition that is known as chronic asthma. There can be many causes for this. The most common cause is the dust and the pollen. If you have potted plants in your house then make sure that you are not allergic to such plants. The dust and the pollen travel down to your lungs making it harder for you to breathe. Therefore you should make sure that this condition is cleared in the earliest possible time. This condition mostly occurs in children whose immune systems are weak. Once it is developed at c...

Asthma Treatment.

Asthma is a disease in which one feels discomfort in breathing when he interacts with even the usual activity. The common symptom is that the patient feels difficulty while breathing. It has become almost difficult to get rid of the disease; we have few suggestions for the purpose of treatment to the patients. The usual methodology adopted is by medicines and different therapies. For asthma treatment, people also use different alternative methods or traditional herbal medicines including the therapies through Yoga and Acupuncture etc. All therapies have their own impacts and they have their certain scope of time to show its results. The foremost method adopted for the treatment of the disease is by conventional medicines and in this type asthma is commonly treated in the following two ways: Short Term Asthma Treatment Short term treatment engrosses the instant relief to the patient from asthma attack. This type of treatment usually involves the proper administration of inhalers an...

Asthma therapy.

Most people including asthmatics and non-asthmatics alike take breathing for granted but do you know by learning how to breathe properly, you can reduce asthma symptoms and frequency of asthma attack? It may sounds a bit absurd but it true. Learning how to breathe properly prevent the bad habit of over breathing. Another word to describe this over breathing effect is hyperventilation. Hyperventilation simply means that air is moving in and out of your body so quickly that your body is unable to take in nutrients from the air fast enough. Therefore learning good breathing will decrease your probability of bad breathing. This simple breathing exercise focuses on strengthening the diaphragm to improve your breathing. A strengthened diaphragm can help reduce over breathing. This exercise is easy to do with enough practice. It requires only 10 minutes and you need to do it twice a day. Now the very first thing that you need to do is that you need to find a quiet place where you won...

Manage Your Asthma Attack Treatment.

It is important that you control your asthma, rather than allowing it to control you. Of course, it can be irksome to take madication and to think daily about activities and situations that could trigger an attack, but you must always be aware that uncontrolled asthma is dangerous. It would be wonderful if everything to which you were allergic disappeared overnight, but even if you scrubbed your home from top to bottom and banned animals, you would still be surrounded by allergens. Once you have been diagnosed as having asthma, it is up to you to take responsibility for it. The best way to do this is to be alert to your symptoms and to check your peak expiratory flow (PEF) with a meter. Your doctor may help work out a self management plan for controlling your asthma and perform asthma attack treatment. If you are managing your asthma well, you should live a normal, healthy life. You should sleep well at night, exercise normally and need to use your medication only occasionally. If you...

Having asthma during pregnancy ...

...can be a life threatening event. Asthma happens in 8 percent of all pregnancies can be life threatening to the baby. About one third will feel improvement in their condition, one third will feel worse and another one third will experience no change at all. The fetus depends on the mother for oxygen for the circulation of oxygen in the body. If the mother often has frequent asthma symptoms, the fetus does not get enough oxygen and puts the fetus in grave danger. Pregnant woman suffering from asthma is susceptible to complicated pregnancies. These include premature birth and low birth weight of the baby. Pregnant woman suffering from chronic asthma may suffer from vaginal hemorrhage. Taking control of asthma will help to reduce the risk for complicated pregnancies. Diagnosing asthma in woman can be difficult. Shortness of breath, one of the common symptoms of asthma is common during pregnancy. The cause of asthma appears to come from the rise progesterone levels in pregnancy. Peak flo...

Asthma Home Remedies and Useful Tips.

1. Asthma patients should avoid cold weather and relieve themselves from constipation. Constipation leads to distended abdomen and exert pressure on the lungs, aggravating the condition. 2. The patient should try to drink plenty of lukewarm water. This will dilate the constriction of the respiratory channels, enabling more airflow. 3. Avoid cold drinks, sour fruits and refrigerated foods. Sour fruit juice and cold drinks cause inflammation and constrictions of the bronchial tubes. 4. Avoid stress and strain. These may disturb the digestive system and aggravate asthmatic attacks. The patient may take help of pranayam to overcome stress and strain. It should be practiced for at least half an hour daily for better results. 5. The patient should avoid eating banana. This fruit produces phlegm and obstructs the already constricted bronchial tubes of the respiratory tract. 6. Immerse the patient's feet in warm water during attacks. This will relieve the symptoms and discomfort. 7. Asthma...